
There are only two Accounts available in Zavala. The On My Device Account and the iCloud Account. They behave a little differently from each other.

On My Device

This account is either On My iPhone, On My iPad, or On My Mac depending on the device you are using. It is the default Account when you first start Zavala.

When you disable the On My Device account, nothing gets deleted. As soon as you reenable it, you have access to the Outlines that you had associated with it.


The iCloud Account can be enabled if you have iCloud Drive set up. Use this Account if you want to access and edit your Outlines on multiple devices that you have Zavala installed on. You can also collaborate on an Outline with a friend or associate using the iCloud Account.

When you disable the iCloud account all the iCloud Outlines on your device will be deleted. They won’t be deleted from iCloud and will still be available on your other devices. To delete all your Outlines from iCloud and all devices, you need to use the iCloud pane in System Preferences.

Outline Defaults

Like the Outline Owner information, Outline Defaults are used to assign default values to newly created Outlines.

Check Spelling While Typing

Same as the standard system setting.

Correct Spelling Automatically

Same as the standard system setting.

Zavala can automatically change a link into something readable buy fetching the webpage and using its title. See Linking for more details.

Owner Information

This is the default information that gets added to each Outline that you create. It is used when exporting OPML files.

  • Appearance
    • Color Palette

      You can use this override the default system light mode or dark mode setting.

    • Row Indent

      This is how deep the rows indent in the Editor for child Rows.

    • Row Spacing

      This is the distance between the bottom of one row and the top of the next.

    • Fonts

      Various elements of the Outline Editor have configurable fonts. This enables you to customize the Editor to your personal tastes or needs. You can even install your own fonts and select them here to use them.

      Fonts can be for different indent levels. Lower indent levels inherent their fonts from the higher levels if the aren’t specifically set in Settings.

      On iPad and iPhone the Editor will adjust the size of your fonts if you have increased or decreased the font size using Dynamic Type.

  • Advanced
    • Use Main Window as Default

      When there are no windows open and Zavala gets activated the Open Quickly window will open. If you don’t like this behavior, you can select “Use Main Window as Default” to open the Main Window instead.

    • Disable Editor Animations

      Some users are more used to other outliners than don’t animate user interface elements. This allows them to disable those animations.