Focused Writing

Sometimes the Collections and Documents panels can distract you from what you are trying to work on. On the Mac you have the option to open an Outline in its own window. Just double click on it in the Documents panel to open the Individual Editor Window.

This is a Mac only feature. On the iPad you can drag an Outline out of the Documents panel to spawn a new window, which is similar to how the Individual Editor Window works on the Mac.

When using the Individual Editor Window clicking a link to another Outline opens another Individual Editor Window with the linked Outline. Creating a new Outline also opens a new Individual Editor Window.

You can even close the Main Window and you will still have access to all of regular Zavala functions, they are just adjusted to work as a multiple window system.

To open an Outline when there is no Main Window available (or even when there is), you can use Open Quickly to open existing outlines.