
A grouping of Outlines. There are only two Accounts in Zavala. The On My Device account and the iCloud account. The On My Device keeps all Outlines on your local device and the iCloud account will sync across all your devices that you have enable Zavala iCloud accounts for.

Zavala supports linking between Outlines. If you link from outline A to outline B, outline B will get a backlink to outline A. These are shown at the bottom of the Outline in italics.

Collections View

The left-most column in the Main Window that groups together Outlines using different criteria.

Documents View

The middle column of the Main Window shows Outlines from the currently selected collection in the Collections View.

Editor View

The right-most column of the Main Window. The editor shows the currently selected Outline and allows you to edit its content and properties.

Main Window

This is the first window you see when you start Zavala for the first time. It has 3 columns or views. They are called from left to right, Collections, Documents, and the Editor. See Main Window.


A plain text formatting syntax that is good for translating into other formats, primarily HTML. Markdown was invented by John Gruber and is used pervasively in all kinds of writing contexts.

More Options Menu

This the menu that is shown in the top right of the Editor on iOS. It is a circle with ellipsis in it.


Detail information about the Topic is associated with. See The Notes Field.


OPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language. It is the file format that outliners use to exchange outlines between each other.


A hierarchal structure of Rows.

You can search across all the content in all the Outlines at the same time. The search field for Outline Search is located in the Collections View.


The main building block of an Outline. All Rows have a Topic and optionally contain a Note.

You can search for specific Rows in an Outline. This search field is shown in the Outilne Editor when you select the Find menu option or use the ⌘-F keyboard shortcut.


A Tag can be applied to an Outline to categorize it. You can apply multiple tags to any Outline. All the Tags are automatically displayed in the Collections View so that you can find the associated Outlines easily.


The main text entry type in an Outline. Sometimes called a Headline.